Friday, January 26, 2007

Out with the old?

So class was amazing yet again tonight, and we had a terrific time! The ladies were energy personified! After class I got to thinking though.

There were a few people in class who have been coming to class since I started, there were some brand new people, and some "mid-timers", but as of January I have noticed that some of the "original" folks have all but stopped coming. I mean the classes continue to grow, so its not a concern in that respect, but I do feel a family vibe with all my ladies when they just leave all together, it does feel a little sad. I've seen this sort of thing when I used to teach martial arts, but in that there is more of a commitment, because people are working towards belts and don't typically just stop coming.

I know that new year sometimes bring new trends and new ideas, so perhaps some of the folks are pursuing those, or perhaps life just changes folks priorities. All I know is that some of the folks who seemed as excited as I was about Turbo have either disappeared, or have changed their priorties.

I know I should be less sensitive about it, and should be continually happy for the fact that my classes are amazing, and I truly love all the ladies in class but heck I'm a sensitive guy!

Friday Friday!

Well yesterday was an overwealming day! Work started off normal but as the day moved on it just got busier and busier. Even after 7pm, when we were down to a skeleton crew it kept going. The 3 of us left in the office just kind of sat down at about 830pm (we close at 8pm) and looked at each other. I think we all felt the same, as if a truck had just rolled over us. I think we'll appreciate the business come month end, but last night for some reason it was just overwealming!

A few friends and I decided to hook up for a phone call last night too, so I got home, called in and chatted with "7 including myself" of the funniest people I've ever met. We talked and laughed for about an hour and a half! Something I really needed.

Back to reality though. I'm brainstorming ideas, and working on some stuff for my Presenter Application, and for my ACE Certification this weekend, so it will be more of a work weekend for me, but ALL work that I love!!!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

10 in 10 is done!!

Hey Folks!!! The 10 in 10 went great!! I successfully got rid of all the Christmas / Holiday meals, and am back down to "fighting weight"!

It was fun pushing myself for 10 days with no breaks in workouts, and planning my meals a little more. Sure I still eat the same things every day but, heck I'm a creature of habit!

I had my Turbo Kick Class last night and it was amazing! We had a surprise guest who popped up briefly. The dude who owns the gym (and 7 others) decided to stop by to see if this Turbo Kick thing was all its been rumoured to be. I've emailed with him, and told him about the classes / size / energy etc...But hearing it from me is like a parent telling the world that his kid is the best. I'm a bit biased. Well we had about 45-50 ladies in class yesterday and "Owner" popped his head in and could barely walk through the doorway because so many ladies were in the room! I caught him out of the corner of my eye and although I didn't know at the time that HE was the owner, I had a feeling because no other 'guys' beside ME and the employees would be walking around through the womens only gym!

We had a few new faces in class too which was great, because some of the regular ladies took them under their wings and helped with the choreography which I loved!!!

But do you ever have such an awesome day but wake up the next day and feel really LOW? That's what I've been feeling this morning. I just had some great exposure, class was amazing, my ladies were out of this world yet I'm in the blues mode right now. I need to get out and get some fresh air (heading to work shortly) and get off my butt about setting up Turbo in other locations. I need to lift my own spirits today I think!!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Day9 of the 10 in 10 Challenge

Busy weekend away from the computer but I'm still plugging away! Today is day9 and overall this has been a really good challenge!! This sort of challenge I think is PERFECTLY suited for this time of year. The time when we get depressed, feel crappy, don't see the sunlight and don't get outside as much as normal. This challenge for me has really helped balance the S.A.D. factor that usually catches me at this time of year. Not only am I going to come out of this winter with a smile on my face, but I'll do it in the best shape I ever have!

I'm getting excited about this winter/spring. I have some fun events coming up. Here is my next 6 months!!!

-Jan31-Feb03. I am going to be in Vegas! This means I have a few classes to cancel at the gym. Jan31 classes, Feb2 and Feb3 classes are cancelled at the gym

-Feb24. I am teaching Turbo Kick to a bunch of under 10year olds for the Boys and Girls club of Canada! I am so excited about this!

-Mar17. It's our annual St Patty's Day Pub Crawl. This is a lot of fun! There is a significant amount of beer that does get consumed, but the day is REALLY about seeing 30-40 friends all in one place!

-April26-29. I am applying to become an Area Promotional Director for Powder Blue Productions (Turbo Kick). If my application is picked I will get an invitation to California for this weekend to audition for this position! If I get it, I will be able to certify new Turbo Kick Instructors up here in Canada!!!

-May6. The Sporting Life 10km Race here in Toronto! I am excited about this race. It's a blast, and its partially downhill which makes it possible to really go FAST! I'm training for this race and am very hopeful that I can great!

-June22 - My Birthday!

-July. My company has sent me to Dublin Ireland for our Annual Global Ball. I've won an award already this year that has guaranteed my spot at the ball, so I am super excited!!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Day5 of the 10 in 10 Challenge

Today is the half way mark of our 10 in 10 Challenge!!! It's going well!! I WISH I was a little less flu-ish, so I could ENJOY this a little more, but regardless of that it is working!!! Physically I'm feeling REALLY good, and REALLY strong right now and we still have 5 more days!!!


Meal1: Fibre One Honey Crunch Cereal with Skim Milk (5points)
Meal2: Whole Wheat Pita with Chick Peas and Veggies (7points)
Meal3: Fibre One Honey Crunch Cereal with Skim Milk (5points)
Meal4: Whole Wheat Pita with Chick Peas and Veggies (7points)


Turbo Kick Class- 730pm. Class freaking ROCKED! Class was a little less crowded today (about 25people) but was so energy packed! The ladies CHEERED after each section! I was feeling amazing, and the energy everyone brought just had me going even more!! It was such a blast!!! I'm excited for tomorrow morning's class!!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Day4 of the 10 in 10 Challenge

I feel awesome this morning!! Day4 is usually the day where the FOOD part of the 10 in 10 gets tough for me. If I've ever "cheated" on one of these challenges, its always started as a result of Day4! I don't know what it is, but perhaps after 3 days of being strict, maybe I just get lazy...well not today! I don't work until noon today, so I am planning on getting my pushups (and my running) done today before work!

Tonight is TV night for us! THE OFFICE and SCRUBS are on tonight, so my goal is to chill out in front of the TV tonight, and to do that I need to get to work early!!


Meal1: Fibre One Honey Crunch Cereal (5points)
Meal2: Whole Wheat Pasta and Tomato Sauce (8points)
Meal3: Whole Wheat Pita with Chickpeas and Veggies (7points)
Meal4: Whole Wheat Pita with Chickpeas and Veggies (7points)


Running - 5.5 miles done in 45minutes! Still really stuffed up so this was a challenge!!!
Pushups - 100 done during Commercial Breaks of the OFFICE and SCRUBS ;)

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Day3 of the 10 in 10 Challenge

Well the day started off great! I woke up starving! Yesterday's lack of food caught up with me in a BIG way! I had a nice bowl of cereal and then head off to teach my Turbo Kick Class! Class was AWESOME, and we really pushed it this morning! Heather is sick (no doubt thanks to me) so she stayed home and slept. I hope she's feeling better tonight!

Meal1: Fibre One Honey Crunch Cereal (5points)
Meal2: Fibre One Honey Crunch Cereal (5points)
Meal3: Whole Wheat Pita with Chickpeas and Veggies (7points)
Meal4: Whole Wheat Pita with Chickpeas and Veggies (7points)


#1. Turbo Kick Class -630am. Class was awesome!!! There was no early morning slacking here! We jumped in and busted ass from the very first second of class and cranked out 3 solid Turbos during class!!! Felt amazing after class (although a little hungry, which is why I ate another bowl of cereal!)

#2 Turbo Kick Class- 730pm. Class was HUGE! We're cracking 40-50 people every evening class these days. I don't know if its just because its January, or if people are just loving class. I think its probably a combination of the two. Anyways I was drenched after class. Everyone, including me were drenched at the end of class!!! What a fantastic way to end the day!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Feeling Better

So I've had this rotten flu for the last 4 (tooday would be the 5th) day and lemme tell ya it sucks! Not being able to breath, coughing until your throat bleeds...good times....

Anyways, I made it to teach class last night and for the most part I think class was unaware that I had been ill and I was able to get through class without issue. The flu hasn't affected my energy at all, and once I started moving, it helped clear up my sinuses. As soon as we finished working out, my voice went as well as getting instantly stuffed again, but it was an AWESOME hour of freedom!!!

This morning I do feel better though. Not 100% but good enough to go to work, get my workout in this afternoon and very relieved that I can breath again!!! AHHH!!!

A few friends and I have decided that this week would start a 10 in 10 challenge! Anytime we're feeling sluggish, lazy or blech this usually is the kickstart we need! 10 in 10 basically is 10workouts in 10 days, and 10days of clean white food (bread, rice, etc) or processed food. I still eat protein powders, bars etc...but no processed meats and stuff like that...

Today is day 2 of that!!! I didn't weigh myself or do measurements on day1 so I won't know the exact results of the challenge, but I do know that times in the past that we've done this, its done AWESOME stuff!

I will get my workout in after work today and post the bulk of my food at that time too!


Meal1: Fibre One Cereal and Skim Milk (4points)
Meal2: Whole Wheat Pita with Chick Peas and Veggies (7points)
Meal3: NEW Fibre One honey crunch Cereal (5points)

I ended up eating too little yesterday but my appetite wasn't really there (thanks to an upset stomach from the cold and a real busy day kept my mind off food). This kind of day is a rare thing, and I will not be following this one up tomorrow!


Running: I did 45minutes on the treadmill and did 5.5miles. I just push the pace, just jogged it out for the 45minutes. I was not feeling great, but HAD to get 45minutes in for my 10 in 10 challenge! I felt very accomplished at the end of the day!

Monday, January 15, 2007

It's been too long!

Those folks who post on blogs, message boards, or journals will know that when you're absent from those for any decent amount of time, typically something is wrong.

So what's my reason...
Lazy. Plain and simple.

I'm actually really angry at myself about it. Life gets busy, things come up and priorities change. But I decided way back at the beginning of this journey that I would make my Health a top priority in my life...and sure enough I let it slip.

There are plenty of things that came up these last few weeks. Work-wise, money-wise, stress-wise...but none of those are an excuse. Regardless of WHAT happens, my Health needs to be a focus otherwise EVERYTHING will slip.

I find it interesting to look at the last couple of weeks. No blogging, not journalling...and it just so happens that today is day4 of a horrible illness I've been plagued with. Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not...But all I know is that I wasn't sick when I was journalling!

So workout-wise I'm still going strong, even being sick. I have my commitments, and I won't miss teaching any of my classes unless I am physically unable to be there and even with how sick I've been..I'm still mobile!

My eating has been...well...not measured or journalled. But as of now, its back to the basics. I'm still in great shape, I haven't gained 20pounds or lost my results...I just feel blech and lazy.


Meal1 PowerCrunch Protein Bar (4points)
Meal2 Wild Rice with Chili and Veggies (8points)
Meal3 Whole Wheat Pasta with Tomato Sauce (8points)
Meal4 Fibre One Cereal and Skim Milk (4points)
Meal5 PowerCrunch Protein Bar (4points)

I had 6 litres of water BEFORE class today. I think the cold, and the medication both are doing a number on keeping me dehydrated. I'm working hard to fight that though!


TurboKick Class at 730pm - I was sick before class but I was able to put on my "GAME FACE" before class! I powered through class, burned over 1000 calories and sweat buckets!
I went straight home and bundled up, took more medicine and am now going to bed.

ONE THING I'VE LEARNED. The next time someone asks you "HOW ARE YOU?", tell them you're GREAT, or AWESOME, TERRIFIC...Something EXCELLENT! Even if you aren't..Even if you're normal response would be to complain, or say "OK"...Tell them, and at the same time tell yourself that you're doing GREAT. You'd be surprised, but a lot of the time, you'll actually end up feeling the way you've just described yourself!

Pushups- 1400done / 1600 remaining. Still pushing away at it. I haven't missed a day and although I haven't done any MORE than 100 per day, but I haven't done any LESS either ;)

Thursday, January 04, 2007

A little Sore!

This morning I woke up with a little soreness pretty much everywhere!
My abs are a little tender, as is my foot (where the cuts are) and my chest is sore too. I love it! I remember when I was doing Power90 that pushups came a LOT easier, but now that I've been pretty strictly cardio for the last year plus that I really am not near as proficient as I once was. I'm hoping that by the end of January and this challenge I'll have not only a sense of accomplishment for the challenges we're doing but also so more strength that I've obviously lost a little!


Meal1: PowerCrunch Bar (4points)
Meal2: Fibre and Protein Enriched Pasta with Sauce (14points)
Meal3: PowerCrunch Bar (4points)
Meal4: Whole Wheat Pita with chickpeas and veggies (7points)


Pushups - 100 done / 2700 remaining
Still Just plowing along!

Running- 2miles done / 67miles remaining
I was doing alright, and at a decent enough pace but my foot really started bothering me and I had to stop rather than doing something silly. I ran for 16minutes 50 seconds and ran 2miles.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

January 03-Feeling good!

Well I woke up pretty well this morning after a nice 7hour sleep. My legs felt un-used which was great! No soreness or tenderness or anything after yesterday's run! I was a little disappointed in my pull-ups, but by the time I got to them last night I was so exhausted that I could barely keep my eyes open, let alone pull my weight up! I will do some more a little earlier today (although I teach Turbo Kick classes today with a full day of work in between so I imagine sleep will be high on my priority list by the time I get home tonight as well!


Meal1: Power Crunch Bar (4points)
Meal2: Whole Wheat Pita with Chickpeas and Veggies (7points)
Meal3: Power Crunch Bar (4points)
Meal4: Whole Wheat Pita with Chickpeas and Veggies (7points)
Meal5: Spicy Noodles with Curry Chicken (?)


Turbo Kick Class#1- Class was fantastic this morning at 630am! We had quite a few ladies out there, smiles were all around and we worked! 4 turbos and a LOT of sweat! I couldn't find my heart rate monitor strap this morning, but I know I would have cracked 1000 calories easy this morning. I haven't sweat THAT much in a while!

Pushups-I knocked off 20 pushups right after class this morning, and finished the rest of them as soon as I got home from class. I am tired as heck right now, and am just downing a litre of water to get some fluid back in my body! It's nice to get the pushups done early and not have to worry about them all day!
Pushup goal 3000 / Remaining 2800

Pullups- Goal 1000 / Remaining 995

Running- Goal 75miles / Remaining 72miles

Turbo Kick Class#2 - Class was insane! Over 40 ladies showed and the place was HOPPING! I worked the ladies hard and they busted their butts!! I was completely wiped after class! My foot was bugging me still but it was mostly just uncomfortbale tonight, not overly sore.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Plan Making 101

Well I learned never to make plans for New Years Eve and goals for new years day at the same time. Recipe for disaster!

We had a blast on New Years Eve, saw friends caught up with people and really enjoyed the celebrations. To the point where I was physically unable to function on New Years day. Without getting into any details, let's just say I have a little catching up. We did get out for a few hours to see some friends and have a great meal on New Years day as well, but that was the extent of my energy for the day.

I will do my fitness test today and will do my running tonight and am about to start on the pushups right away. Since I am at work all day the blog will be updated in the evening when I get home.

Food- I didn't have much of an appetite today so I had a few protein bars to keep my calories up

Meal1: Power Crunch Bar (4points)
Meal2: Whole Wheat Pita with Chickpeas and Veggies (7points)
Meal3: Power Crunch Bar (4points)
Meal4: Whole Wheat Pita with Chickpeas and Veggies (7points)
Meal5: Power Crunch Bar (4points)

Now this isn't the most exciting diet today, and those who know me or who have read my blog at all over the last year and a half will know that when I like something I eat it often. The important thing is that I got a tonne of protein today (from the bars and from the chickpeas), Lots of Veggies (in the pitas), plenty of good carbs from the (chickpeas, whole wheat pitas and the bars) and I felt great all day.


Pushups- Total to do for the month 3000 / Remaining 2900
100 pushups done in several sets of 20-30 at a time.

Pullups- Total to do for the month 1000 / Remaining 995
Pathetic I know. But I as tired, and forgot all about them until bed time.

Running- Total mileage to run for the month: 75miles / remaining 72miles
I ran for 3 miles today. 23minutes and 50seconds.
This morning when I woke up I tripped and sliced my foot open on the metal frame of my bed. I sliced open my 2 smallest toes. I bandaged them up all day and then retaped them before my run. If you've seen any movie about Steve Prefontaine, you may recall an NCAA championship race he ran after slicing his foot open. At the end of the race (in which he won) you could see the blood soaking through not only his socks, but also his shoes. Well that's kind of what my foot looked like after this 3miler. I didn't break any Prefontaine records, but I was in pain by the end, and I am own one less pair of socks!

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!

Wow!!! 2007 here we are! Heather and I got in real late last night (this morning) after having a lot of fun at a party hosted by a couple of my really amazing friends. We had an absolute blast! We definitely brought in the new year in grand fashion last night, but this morning it feels like I have been hit by a train!

We got up early to watch QVC this morning as our friends, Mindy, Jackie, Jenelle and Angie were on tv promoting Turbo Jam (another awesome lady named jAnelle was there too, but I've never had the pleasure of meeting her). They did GREAT. Normally on the Turbo Jam segments for QVC, Chalene is there and does the talking with the host of the show, but today she was not there and Jenelle (who happens to be Chalene's sister, in addition to being phenomenal in her own right) did the honours. She was terrific! They all were!

I tried to call in on the "testimonial line" but wasn't able to get through. They sold like 800 sets of Turbo Jam DVD's in the 8minutes that they were on TV!!! How insane is that? Not bad for 700am on Jan1!!!

I called the girls about 15minutes after they got off TV and chatted with them all which was great! Its always so exciting to see your friends do such cool stuff (and being on TV is pretty cool in my books!) so I was so thrilled for them.

I am going back to bed now though, because I really do feel aweful.
When I wake up I will continue this post. I am doing a Jan1 Fitness Test to see where I am (and will compare it every few months to see how I am doing with my fitness).

I will also get going on my Challenges (Running, Pullups and Pushups) for the month.


Fitness Test- x
Pushups- Total to do for the month 3000 / Remaining x
Pullups- Total to do for the month 1000 / Remaining x
Running- Total mileage to run for the month: 75miles / remaining x