Saturday, October 21, 2006

The Best Day!

Well today was the day! My first Master Class! We started at 930am and we did a Form and Technique class before breaking down the new Round, section by section. Once we all had it down (as well as we could)...we started up the music!!

It was SUCH an amazing class! The ladies LOVE Round27, and having more than 40 ladies in class made it loud, fun and exciting for everyone!!

In addition to the AWESOME ladies, and AMAZING class we had, we were also able to get some REALLY cool prizes and giveaways!

Engraving By Ellen (Ellen is one of our awesome TK'ers) donated a beautiful crystal bracelet!

Summer McArthur, owner of SASS N SWEAT fitness clothing donated some AMAZING workout tops and bottoms for the ladies as well as 30% off Coupons to EVERYONE in class!

Sport Nutrition Depot (SND) donated a HUGE bucket full of Protein Powders, Shakes, Bars, and other suppliments! These guys such an amazing shop! The Manager is a Fitness Competitor herself and the staff ROCKS! I don't go anywhere else anymore, and DEFINITELY not after how generous they were to my class!

Bellair Tan donated free 1-week tanning to everyone in the class!

Fitness One, our Venue donated several cool prizes as well!
5 Bag/T-Shirt Combos and Three 2-month memberships

We have a tonne of pictures, but here are a couple, including one of the birthday girl, my wife HEATHER (on the right) with two of her friends from work! This was Marissa and Aryn's first class!!

Here is a shot of the whole class all 44 of us!

I think their faces say it all in this picture!

This little fireball's name is Hannah. She's been in class with us for a little while now and she absolutely rocks! This pic of her doing a Hook is great!!

I LOVED today and I don't think anyone in class had as much fun as I did! I'm still floating on air!! What an fantastic group of ladies!!!!

Thank You ALL for allowing me to be a part of this!


KellyC said...

YAY YAY YAY!!!!!!!
Love it.
The only way I could love it more is if I wasn't so far away!

Soooo cool.
I put the word out that I planned to cancel Saturday classes in November, and suddenly, there were 9 people there yesterday, 7 of whom said they'd be there most Saturdays, and begged me not to cancel. Just had to light a fire, I guess ;)

and by the way, whatever you did to "screw up" your blog, I can now access it so YAY AGAIN!

Anonymous said...

Robbie it was a pleasure to be part of that group of ladies yesterday at the club!!!

You rocked and there is no need to be modest about it.. YOU ROCKEDDDD everyone had a wonderful time and ROUND 27 is really good. So glad that you did this and that I was able to attend hehehe

C yah tomorrow in class where we can bring ittttttttt!!!!!

13 days.....

Unknown said...

One man among 44 women. No wonder you had soooo much fun! :) You rock Robbie. I wish I lived near you!

So freaking cool!