Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Mornings ROCK!

I am SO glad I decided to teach an early morning class! I know it's only one day per week, but it is SUCH a great way to kick off the day! It's so amazing to watch my morning class (which is growing like crazy too) wake up! 630am is very early for some people, and at the beginning of class you can totally see it on their faces! I kind of giggle to myself about it actually, seeing the "I just don't do mornings" look on so many faces. Yet, despite that these ladies are up, at the gym and giving it their all when most of their friends are fast asleep!

I normally teach facing the same direction as the class, but have recently been spending more time facing the class, and "mirror" teaching. I find that this is especially fun in the mornings! Seeing the expressions change as the class goes on, seeing the energy levels climb and the endorphins released is such an amazing thing!

By the time class ends, you wouldn't know that its only 730am! The energy that these ladies generate is through the roof!!

Time to get moving for me! Breakfast is done, lunch and dinner is packed, as well as some clean gym clothes for tonight's class!! :)

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