Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Too Long between Posts

I was going through my old posts and realized that I definitely don't have the same consistency I did during that first year of posting. It's no coincidence that I don't have the consistency in my food intake either...The journaling helps me so much! I mean I don't have 85pounds to lose anymore, so I don't have to be AS strict, but I do have lots of goals ahead of me so I need to be much more consistent!

Work has been very busy, and I am in the tail end of my best month ever. It's been challenging, but very busy. I've applied for some positions internal to our company and have had some really amazing feedback, but so far no jobs. I love what I do, so I am continuing to do it, but I am very ready for a new challenge and hope that what I am working towards pans out soon!

Classes are amazing! They are huge, fun, exciting and we've still got new faces coming all the time! Man I love this!

I have planned our NEXT event for May5 and I couldn't be more excited! I have a bunch of friends coming from the states for the weekend for the event, which has me almost giddy! These folks, in addition to all the folks already here in Toronto is gonna make this the best one yet for sure! I'm trying to get some sponsors for raffle gifts like usual and some friends have already let me know that they have goodies then can donate! I LOVE getting to give stuff away!! Its such an added bonus to the day!!

Anyways...I will be posting here MUCH more often. So if anyone is reading, you can check in more often but I need this place! :)

1 comment:

fitkix said...

It's hard to post in blogs on a regular basis. Mine often suffers too. Hope that I can make up to TO for your event in May! A getaway would be nice before my surgery.