Well its been a pretty insane few weeks here in Robbie-Land and I have lots of new stuff going on that I wanted to get up here today.
A few posts ago I showed the video portion of my application to be accepted into the Turbo Kick™ Area Promotions Director (APD) training to be held in Orange County. Well on April 10th I got the call and was asked to be a part of the training program! I am so blown away! This REALLY is only the beginning though. Lots of practicing, reading, training and planning is coming (and has been since I received the call).
I am sitting in the departure lounge at the Toronto airport right now waiting for my flight to Orange County (via Denver) to arrive.
As per my usual nervous self, I slept less than 4hours last night, and as per my normal unorganized self, Heather did the majority of my packing for me as I scrambled around trying to figure out what the heck I was doing! To be honest, I was mostly just sitting on the couch looking bewildered, while Heather flashed pieces of clothing to get my travel approval. Man, I am lucky to have her!
I am not sure what is on tap for tonight, but I do know that if my flight arrives on time and all the stars align, I will HOPEFULLY be at my hotel before 530pm. If I make it on time I get to take a HIP HOP Dance/Aerobics class from my friend, Monica! I REALLY hope I can make it, but that is totally out of my hands at this point, so we'll see where the sky takes me! If anyone has seen me dance, then you'll know that this will be quite the sight if I do the class. Thank goodness nobody is bringing a video camera (I hope!) ;)
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Right about the same time I found out about the APD Training, I also found out that a promotion I had been working very hard for and interviewing pretty frequently for came through! I have been given the opportunity to work in our newest Corporate Travel Division of our Company (Called FCM Travel). Its going to be quite a different pace and environment than what I am used to. From what I've observed and heard, the learning curve is pretty steep but since getting the call at the beginning of the month I have been working VERY hard and doing everything I can to try and minimize that so that when I start the new position (THE DAY AFTER I GET HOME FROM MY TRIP TO ORANGE COUNTY) I won't be too over my head. I am SO sad to be leaving my current team at the Agency I am currently situated in. The team is one of the best groups of people I've ever worked with in any situation. We get along and work so great together, which is one of the big reasons I was chosen to receive this promotion. Without the guidance, help and teamwork that my team provided me, there is no way I would be close to ready to take this leap (most consultants who move to corporate have had 5-10years experience in the company, I had 9months). So although this position is a dream job for me, the actual move is somewhat bitter sweet. The cool thing is that the new team I am going to is very cool too. Its a small team (just three of us currently) but I think we're going to work really well together! I'm excited!!
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During all of the running around, preparing for the APD Training, working for the new position, tying up as many loose ends at my current position as I can, I am still teaching as much as possible! I actually picked up a few classes as a sub in addition to my 5classes during this month. This has basically led to a month of 15+ hours out of the house EVERY day teaching, running, working, training etc. I had my first real DAY OFF this past Saturday (well I still had a class to teach but after that it was all mine) and I didn't know what to do with myself!
In hind-sight, perhaps a little too much on the plate, but what can ya do!?
It's actually kind of cool to be so overwhelmed, but having EVERYTHING on my plate being something I WANT to be doing, and HAVE to be doing its amazing how the time management kicks in. I am a firm believer that if there is something you REALLY want to do, you will find a way to do it. Sometimes you have to make sacrifices, and this month sleep has been a small sacrifice, but I know I'll sleep well after my next few days in California! I am anticipating a BUSY week!
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I guess its just a matter of what you perceive as important. For example: keeping in touch with my friends (especially the long distance ones since I don't see them) is EXTREMELY important to me. So I will call, email regularly. In fact, much of the time, I feel like some of these friendships wouldn't exist if it weren't for the effort I put in to keep in touch. Some friends don't put the same emphasis on that kind of thing (or perhaps because they know me, they know that they don't have to), but my biggest pet peeve is when someone tells me that they were too busy to keep in touch. Busy job? Busy Family? Teach/Take Classes? Working 15hours a day? It takes 5minutes to make a phone call or to write an email if that sort of thing is important to you. If that sort of thing is not a priority that's cool, but I get annoyed at the folks who pretend that it IS a priority, but then don't make an effort because no matter how busy someone is, if they want something bad enough, they make time for it. Too busy to sit down and have a good dinner? What do you do? Do you grab something on the run? You still eat though right? You found a way to make it happen because its necessary.
My friends who put in the effort or who I perceive put the same kind of priority on relationships are the ones I cherish most because its something in common that we share that is at the core of who I am. It doesn't mean I love my friends who have other priorities any less, but I do share a different bond with those whom I have more in common with in general and this is a big thing to have in common for me.
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Ok sorry about that side-note mini-rant. Just airport boredom setting in!
I am literally bouncing off the walls in here I am so excited! In about 9 hours I should be landing in Orange County, California and starting the next chapter in my fitness career! Just being able to share the next few days with the all-star instructors, presenters, and fitness professionals I am going to meet, and re-meet is going to help me evolve as an instructor and person! I really feel blessed to have everything happening at once!
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