Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!

Wow!!! 2007 here we are! Heather and I got in real late last night (this morning) after having a lot of fun at a party hosted by a couple of my really amazing friends. We had an absolute blast! We definitely brought in the new year in grand fashion last night, but this morning it feels like I have been hit by a train!

We got up early to watch QVC this morning as our friends, Mindy, Jackie, Jenelle and Angie were on tv promoting Turbo Jam (another awesome lady named jAnelle was there too, but I've never had the pleasure of meeting her). They did GREAT. Normally on the Turbo Jam segments for QVC, Chalene is there and does the talking with the host of the show, but today she was not there and Jenelle (who happens to be Chalene's sister, in addition to being phenomenal in her own right) did the honours. She was terrific! They all were!

I tried to call in on the "testimonial line" but wasn't able to get through. They sold like 800 sets of Turbo Jam DVD's in the 8minutes that they were on TV!!! How insane is that? Not bad for 700am on Jan1!!!

I called the girls about 15minutes after they got off TV and chatted with them all which was great! Its always so exciting to see your friends do such cool stuff (and being on TV is pretty cool in my books!) so I was so thrilled for them.

I am going back to bed now though, because I really do feel aweful.
When I wake up I will continue this post. I am doing a Jan1 Fitness Test to see where I am (and will compare it every few months to see how I am doing with my fitness).

I will also get going on my Challenges (Running, Pullups and Pushups) for the month.


Fitness Test- x
Pushups- Total to do for the month 3000 / Remaining x
Pullups- Total to do for the month 1000 / Remaining x
Running- Total mileage to run for the month: 75miles / remaining x

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Heather I think he just slept all day hehehe must have been a tough night... hehehhe