Monday, November 20, 2006

How much do I love Turbo Kick?

Enough to turn down a free all-expense paid trip to Barbados!

I entered a contest a few months ago at work, and today I got a call from the Barbados tourist board letting me know that I had won! I was invited to travel to Barbados for a week, and race in the Barbados marathon!

Debbie for Tourist board - "Hi Rob, You've won! Is your passport current"
Me - "Yes Ma'am!"
Debbie - "Can you be in Barbados from Nov28-Dec4"
Me - "Ooph...No I'm sorry I can't"

There is no way that I can be away, even for a free trip to Barbados when I have this event! Not even a consideration. Oh well. Someone else will get this amazing trip because I turned it down so really I guess I got to make someone else's day today too :)

Class was GREAT tonight! Absolutely packed, and the energy level was through the roof! The windows were completely fogged and we had an absolute blast!


KellyC said...

OMG no way!
Congratulations, and ohhhhh that's too bad ;)
I know you're going to have such a blast at your event, that you won't even think twice about . . . where was that again?
Wish I could be there!

Emily RugBurn said...

Can you transfer your prize to, let's say, oh, I dunno, off the top of my head -- a favourite cousin, perhaps?... ;o)