Sunday, November 05, 2006

New Day, More Turbo!

Well as if the week of Infomerical Fun wasn't enough! I flew from the OC to Rochester NY yesterday to see some of my Turbo Kick Girls and a good friend of mine, Neva all get certified by Christine Dwyer! I flew from Orange County to Newark, NJ and then after a 3 hour layover, headed in on a quick flight to Rochester! I made it from the airport to the hotel, dropped off my junk and then straight to gym where I arrived just in time to do the first of Two classes with the girls!

WOW! :) I forgot that I was supposed to be tired after all this travelling and jet lag stuff!! class was AWESOME! I've known Christine for a while now and have taken a PiYo class from her, but have never been lucky enough to take a Turbo Class from her!

SERIOUSLY folks, Christine is up there with the ANNA-RITA's and Chalene's of the world! This girl has POWER and intensity and although I expected her to ROCK, I wasn't expecting her to be THAT freaking incredible!

I sat in the back during much of the certification, trying to learn as much as I could! I really want to be an APD (Area Promotions Director) for Turbo Kick and getting to learn from Christine was great! I've done the same with Mindy at her certifications and I love how each of these awesome gals put their own twist and perspective on the certification! Anyone would be lucky to get certified by either of these phenomenal Presenters. If I am fortunate enough to get to their level and I am half as good as they are, I'll be a huge success!! They rock!!

We had a quiet evening last night, that consisted of some good food, a couple drinks and some great conversation! I slept LONG for the first time in a week (10 WHOLE HOURS!!!!! YEEE) and I am so excited to sit down this week and set some new goals, and make a list of how I'm going to accomplish them!!


KellyC said...

Robbie, I'm going to give you the biggest compliment I can:

Dude. You rock.

Thanks for sharing, and we'll see YOU next summer (or sooner, who knows what the Universe has in store?).

web said...

robbie, i can finally read your blog! it's not scrunched together on my screen anymore. what'd you change? wheeeeeee. congrats on a fit, fulfilling week.