Thursday, November 02, 2006

Infomercial Day2 - Done!

What a day! After Chalene's class I met up with Libby, who I hadn't seen since August when we were out here for the Turbo Kick Camp and we headed over the site filming to meet up with everyone who had earlier calls than us.

We got there just in time for lunch, so our parts in the infomercial were off to a bit of a slow start, but the food was great! :)

I got to see everyone else dressed up, through hair and makeup and getting their pictures taken! They looked SO good! Being the only guy in this infomercial was weird, and seeing how AMAZING all these ladies looked made me wonder why the heck I was there! I mean seriously, all these girls are just amazing!

I got to go through and show the folks the clothes I had brought and between those clothes and the wardrobe they had on site, we were able to piece together my interview clothes, and my workout clothes for the pictures (and for tomorrow's workout).

The interview was like nothing I had ever done! The camera was rolling almost the whole time, with just a couple small cuts, but what a weird, neat, uncomfortable, cool, fun experience! Totally something completely foreign to me! I sure hope that between my rambling nonsense that they can edit together some sort of sane comments!

I was really surprised how organized everything seemed to be too! The folks at Beachbody and the production team doing this really have taken great care of us, and have done a bang up job with this whole thing so far! I can't WAIT to see the finished product!

We all rushed after filming and most of us were able to get back to the 24hour Fitness gym (where I was this morning) to take a class lead by Anna Rita!!
SOOOO good! Her class is really advanced by the look of it, so the routine she did reflected that! A bunch of stuff I had never done before which I loved! We did some of the round that I am teaching right now too, which was great! Anna Rita pulled me up on stage for a bit which I loved too! Jackie and Missy also rocked the stage during class!! A couple of friends of Anna Rita's spent most of the class up on stage and they are kick-butt! Class was such a blast!

We headed to dinner and ended up at the CHEESECAKE Factory. I have heard about this place but never been to one. All I can say is BIG. Big everything, including PORTIONS! I made it through about 2/3 of my meal...Super tasty and not expensive, but BIG! We had a really good time!

I REALLY like everyone we're doing this experience with! I really feel fortunate to have even been included in this whole adventure! I am beyond words really...and for me that's tough!

Well tomorrow morning is more fun. I am not sure all we're doing, but I do know that our filmed workout is happening and for that, I am Giddy!!! Who would have thought...An awesome trip to California, out of the freezing weather in Toronto...What do I remember the most? (besides the most amazing people in the world I get to hang with). The workouts! We're constantly looking at our schedules to see where/when we can fit in a workout and how long it would take us to get back! What an odd bunch we are! :)

until tomorrow!
I'm wiped!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are having a great time in Sunny Cali. Enjoy it cuz you totally deserve it.

C yah in Rochester tommorrow!!!
