Friday, November 03, 2006

Infomerical Final Cut!

What a day!!! Long, tiring and the best experience ever!! We did some more testimonials, we got prepped and did a KILLER workout on film (with the Turbo Jam weighted Gloves). HOLY COW!! I've used the gloves before, and totally love how they add to the workout! But MAN! Today, I was sweating just thinking about the workout, so with the gloves on and working out for a couple hours, we were all drenched! It was awesome though!!!

We did some talking about the gloves themselves (BY THE WAY, they are coming out with a NEW model of the weighted gloves, that I got to test during this shoot, and they ROCK!) They are more comfy than the old model and I liked them A LOT! I can't wait to get them!

Now...I'm about to check out of the hotel and then head to the airport for our long flights home. Ali and I are flying back to Newark together along with Elizabeth a really cool gal from MA. that we met this week! Ali is HOME in Newark, where Elizabeth heads on to her home state, and I'm connecting to Rochester!

I just talked to my lovely wife and she's safe in Rochester with my friends Neva and Pete! I'll get to see them all shortly!

This is going to be the best end to an already spectacular experience!

I've got to see friends I've missed, meet a tonne of new amazing people and this is another experience I will never forget! I am SO fortunate to have been a part of all of this! Chalene, and the Turbo Jam crew were all amazing and it really has been a surreal experience!!

Now I have to start thinking of things to do to keep me on this high!!!

1 comment:

psyknife said...

I'm in love with my weighted gloves... they really force me to push the envelope on my workouts. I've been finding myself with a big smile on my face while doing Turbo lately... I guess that's a good thing!
I'm trying to make sure I have the endurance for the Turbo Kick training :)