Thursday, November 23, 2006

Unfinished Goals

This past year has been amazing for me. I've had so many goals, and whether it has been my weight loss, my attendance at Turbo Kick Camp, Teaching Turbo Kick™, or Being a part of the Turbo Jam™ Infomerical I have done them all!

I've set goals for my 5km and 10km races, and accomplished them. I set a goal for the CN Tower Climb, and blew it away! This year has been phenomenal.

But there is one fitness related goal I have fallen short on...several times. P90X. For anyone who doesn't know, P90X is a pretty intense, ok REALLY intense workout program. So intense that with everything else I've been able to do, I haven't even made it through a month of P90X before giving it up. I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that Turbo has been such a big part of my life, and doing both was pretty taxing.

Well talking with my friend Suzie today, we decided that the two of us are going to start a 1-Month circuit of P90X. We're not interested at a full 90X right now, but we both feel that doing this between now and Christmas will not only help us with our fitness goals, but also help battle the winter blues! We've decided that we'll start on Monday and go straight to Christmas day. From there, we'll decide what's next.

I'll still be teaching my Turbo Kick™ classes, so I'm going to have to eat a little more (and plan a LOT better) than I have been! It's going to be one crazy month! I can't wait to get started!

I'm going to be blogging every day, like I did when I was losing my weight. I'll blog about my workouts, my classes, and my food! I know there are some people who read my blog pretty regularly, so feel free to keep me accountable if you see a day go by without an entry between Monday and Christmas! I think this is the best Christmas Present Suzie and I could give to ourselves!!! It's gonna be a blast (I think!) ;)

By the way. I'll put a link for Suzie on my blog soon, but until then, if you wanna see her, she's over on MYSPACE

1 comment:

KellyC said...

Ohhhh mama! That's going to be TOUGH.
I'm not going to say Good Luck, because that has nothing to do with it.
You're absolutely right:
PLANNING PLANNING PLANNING - especially with your schedule!
I don't have P90X, so I can't join ya, but you know I'll be watching and listening, and cheering you on, as always, my fellow Canuckian!